Evacuation Protocol

The Evacuation Protocol video provides essential guidance on safely evacuating on campus. 


Fire Emergency

Fire evacuation procedures

The Fire Emergency video will guide you through fire emergencies on our campus, emphasizing the appropriate response in different scenarios.  


Lockdown Procedures

The Lockdown video will highlight the essential steps to take during a lockdown on Pitt's campus. Understanding the proper procedures is crucial for your safety.  


Panic Buttons

As part of Pitt’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and faculty, Pitt is installing panic buttons inside many academic classrooms. Our mission is to enhance safety, reduce risk and prevent harm by utilizing this new technology designed to protect the Pitt community from the potential for active threats.


Shelter In Place

The Shelter-in-Place video will guide you on how to ensure your safety during an indoor emergency on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Shelter-in-place events could be weather-related emergencies, environmental emergencies, or other hazardous conditions in the community.